Red Flame brand the evolution of Chess



Today sees the launch of the Chessplus Kickstarter campaign. We are extremely proud to have had the opportunity to work with Christian and Nielsen Design preparing packaging mockups and delivering the branding solution for the game.


Chessplus logo


What is Chessplus?

Chessplus was born of an unexpected move by a nine year old playing chess with her dad ‘I’m going to win,’ she thought, uniting a rook and pawn. With the combined powers of the two pieces, she quickly promoted her pawn to a queen.

Since that first Chessplus game 11 years ago Christian and Aimee expanded the idea, creating new pieces that seamlessly join together to create ‘merged pieces’. These beautiful pieces can move as either of the two merged pieces, or split back individually.

Designed by award-winning industrial designer Adam Laws, the resulting game is a unique and beautiful set containing exquisite playing pieces – available in quality resin or natural timber – and a sleek board.

Chessplus pieces

With amended playing rules, the resulting game is fast, fun, complex and utterly compelling. Welcome to Chessplus.

Your next move should be to jump over to the Kickstater campaign and watch the video that’ll tell you everything you need to know about this amazing new twist on the traditional board game Chess. Click here




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